Category Archives: Tune-ology

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Twelve)

Growing up I had a lot of influences from the music world.  Artists will come and go.  Groups will come and go.  But to me, when it comes to Christian music there is a group that was ahead of their time while they were together and are still making waves as solo artists today.

On top of their solo careers, the music they made as a group is still strong today and influencing new generations as those of us who grew up with them begin to introduce our kids to their unique and powerful sound.

This group is a MUST in my favorites.  Their messages of hope and passion through their writing to the powerful anthems, ballads and even rap that combined and crossed different genre’s of music were beautifully orchestrated through three voices that worked in such perfect harmony.

I can go back and listen to their albums and never get tired of the sound they produced.  They always created something new every time you heard them and their live shows were more than just a concert – they were an experience – both in music and connection to Jesus.

Maybe this is why they were a trio of Jesus Freaks!

That group is composed of Toby Mac, Michael Tait and Kevin Max.

Ladies and Gentlemen – the great and never ending DC TALK!

Jesus is Alright

I Luv Rap Music

Jesus Freak

In the Light

Red Letters

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Eleven)

Casting Crowns burst onto the music scene in 1999 and instantly captured hearts and ears.  “What if His People Prayed” was an anthem that called out the lazy church on its inability to use the power of the spirit of prayer and communication to God to battle our failing society.

Following up was “Voice of Truth” and “Who Am I.”

All of these songs made huge impacts on so many lives and people began to rip the album from the shelves.

I cannot even begin to tell you why the are in my favorites list because it would be all about that and not about the amazing lyrics that Mark Hall and the gang write and the powerful messages that God provides through them and their music.

I am honored to have a friend in Juan DeVevo and his wife Melody who are in the band and even though I don’t get to see them often, they are always welcoming when I do and Juan has spoken some strong faith into my life over the years and been a great encouragement.  That alone can make them one of my favorites!

Jesus is alive in the hearts of the members of Casting Crowns and they are a powerful musical tool used by God to change lives through the message of their songs.  Everyone should have them as a favorite!

Voice of Truth

The Altar and the Door

Set Me Free

While You Were Sleeping


Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Ten)

My Worship Collection within my favorites would not be complete without the writings and music of the great heart of Chris Tomlin.

I have been not only a fan who listens, but also as a pastor and worship leader, someone who uses his worship songs on a regular basis.

Most of his songs, no matter how far back you go, are still easily useable in today’s modern worship services.

However, Chris continues to follow the leading of God as he writes and moves forward with the ever changing church when it comes to music.  His style and his passion bring forth a worship experience through his music that everyone can enjoy.

The best part – no matter what he does, he still seeks to find the heart of God in his writing.  He knows THAT is what it is about.

Favorites would not be complete without a little Chris Tomlin!

God’s Great Dance Floor

Not to Us

The Way I Was Made

I Will Rise

I Will Follow

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Nine)

When it comes to my favorites, Rich Mullins caps the charts simply because he wrote my favorite song.

Quite awhile ago I wrote a post on that and you can view it here.

Rich was not just a musician, he was a songwriter in every sense of the word.  And not only that, he was a songwriter who used the Spirit of God to guide him in his theology.

He captured words and painted pictures with them in ways that so many people can only dream of doing.  He was real, he was broken and he was honest.

I could go on and on about the late, great Rich Mullins, but will just let his music speak for itself.

If I Stand

Awesome God

Hold Me Jesus

Boy Like Me, Man Like You

Sometimes By Step

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Eight)

I was honored to be asked to spend time on the road with my friends and band Article One who I wrote about back on week five of favorites.  However, on that tour I was blessed to meet and spend time with the band, Starfield.

Tim and Jon were great guys and had a real heart for music that was easy to sing along and worship to.  They wanted to be able to capture true heartfelt messages in the lyrics and allow the music to resonate with the people who heard it.

I was already a fan and enjoyed their music, but found myself respecting their craft even more after that time on the road.

I have highlighted a few of their songs before on Tune-ology.  You can read those here and here.

Starfield will always be on my favorites list!

The Saving One

Great in All the Earth

The Hand that Holds the World

Love Break Me

Tune-olgy: Favorites (Week Seven)

I have had the privilege of spending some simple moments with the band I am highlighting this week.  They so instantly became one of my favorites, but not just because of they music.  They are in my favorites list because of their genuine heart for Jesus.

When you speak with them you get a real, down to earth, normal sense of life.  But within that you get hearts that worship the one true King of kings!  They are Jesus FOLLOWERS!

I have shared stories of them before and I have even written Tune-ology on them more in depth in some other posts (Click Here and Here).

For now, just click, listen and enjoy the sounds of one of my top favs – Rush of Fools!

Nailed to the Cross

Peace Be Still

Wonder of the World

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Six)

When it comes to my generation of praise and worship, who captures more powerful music than the great David Crowder?  I fell in love with the David Crowder Band before they ever recorded their first official album or became part of the Passion Conferences, etc.

I witnessed them in their raw state as a new fresh sound to the praise and worship scene.  They were unique and there was no question about that.  Dave himself was a character that no one could really figure out for some time.

Then we all found, over the years, that their hearts and their passion for Jesus went deep.  Their love of people and seeing those people worship and come to the throne was more important than anything else they would accomplish.

Dave himself said he preferred to always have his eyes closed when he sang on stage because it allowed him to move out of the room and out from in front of the people and enter into the throne room of God to worship.

This was some awesome and powerful stuff – and it just keeps getting better!  We will miss the two sets together, but even now, on their own roads, David Crowder Music (solo Dave) and the former band (now known as The Digital Age) are still bringing worship to the forefront of all that they do!

I have to offer old and new as the older music is still so awesome and classic!

All I Can Say

Oh Praise Him

Church Music

After All (Holy)

We Won’t Be Quiet

Make a Joyful Noise (I Will Not Be Silent)

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Five)

I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this band.  Maybe I am bias because I am friends with the guys and got to spend a good deal of time with them.  Sadly, they have parted ways and moved onto other things and family, but their music still resonates so deeply with me.  I can’t just pick three songs this time either so I think in honor of week five you will get five songs.  Take the time to listen because these guys provide a unique and different take on their writing, both lyrically and musically – maybe it is the violin that helps that!  Enjoy!

Without You (I’m Not Alright)

Love You Tomorrow

I love You More

Never Too Late to Call

Say it Again

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Four)

This band became an instant favorite of mine from day one.  Capturing amazing lyrics along with soulful and heartfelt music that moves the soul.

The Afters are a collection of great talent and true hearts dedicated to a purpose of revealing the truth of Jesus through music.  And not only do they have fun doing it, but they are okay with being a little goofy every now and then. (Reference song #2 listed below)

I am continually impressed as they just seem to get better and better with each album that they produce.  I am truly proud to say that I support their music and am a fan of all they do!

Enjoy three of my personal favorites from The Afters.

Broken Hallelujah

My Space Girl

Light Up the Sky

Tune-ology: Favorites (Week Three)

Week Three of Favorites is a cross over artist whose heart for his faith is amazing and his talent to draw people in with music is a blessing.  Again, unique in so many ways and a sound created originally that is now being mimicked by others.

That artist, Mat Kearney.  The mix of R&B, Pop, Rock along with his distinctive voice make his music something unto its own!

These are truly worth the listen!

She Got the Honey

One Black Sheep

Runaway Car